True Criminal – Apartment House: In previous game, we have found the
body of Ben our last hope. It seems that murderer did what he wanted.
But it is not finished yet. We guess his last plan is to escape from
this crime. We should not let it happen. He must be captured before he
wins. According to all the evidences that we have found till now, we
guess it must be John. The true criminal must not be escaped.
-destornillador, bola verde, lentilla y trozo de papel.
ResponderEliminar-armando puzzle, da pipa.
sala 2:
-colgante, abrigo y bolso
-puzzle un poco complicado y largo
-con el número del puzzle, al mueble, da botón verde
-vaso, trapo ensangrentado, trozo de papel, bola verde y frasco de pastillas
-usar destornillador en la pared
-las bolas verdes al horno
*la pista de números para la sala 1
*el cuchillo al bolso de deporte
*la llave a la nevera
Y para terminar, dar cada objeto del inventario a cada presunto culpable.